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Ian Thomas Two Piece

Ian Thomas was a fashion designer, known for his work in British fashion during the mid-20th century. He gained prominence as a personal designer for Queen Elizabeth II after serving as an assistant to the renowned designer Norman Hartnell. Thomas was celebrated for his elegant and refined designs, often creating sophisticated yet understated pieces that aligned with the Queen’s style. His work included crafting outfits for royal engagements and events, contributing significantly to the royal wardrobe during his tenure.

This fabulous timeless vintage 60s/70s two piece, is pure in wool and silk and in beautiful condition. Most of the suit is hand sewn .  This designers work is rare and top quality.  A stunning example of one of the best designers of the 20th century.




Shoulders 41cm

Waist 45cm

Length 116cm



Shoulders 43cm

Sleeve underarm 41cm

Length 54cm

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